New Release: SDK v5

The Lit SDK v5 is live.

New Release: SDK v5

The latest version of the Lit SDK, v5, has just been released. Included are several improvements, feature additions, and breaking changes all aimed at enhancing the overall performance of the Lit SDK. 

Here's everything you need to know about the latest changes and additions:

🚨 Breaking Changes & Important Updates

  • Removes ipfs-http-client: resolves build issues when running in nextjs
  • Now using cross-fetch instead of directly injecting node-fetch as a polyfill solution for fetch (commit)
  • Changes getLatestBlockhash() on the LitNodeClient to be an async method. This was previously a synchronous call (commit)

🛠️ Enhancements and Fixes

  • Fix to global polyfill of Buffer causing errors (commit)
  • Addition of static eth wallet auth method in lit auth client (commit)
  • Fix to ILitNodeClient interface compatibility (commit)

Installing the SDK

The v5 SDK is now the default for developers building on Lit. 

Install the @lit-protocol/lit-node-client package, which can be used in both browser and Node environments:

yarn add @lit-protocol/lit-node-client

Import the Lit JS SDK v5:

import * as LitJsSdk from "@lit-protocol/lit-node-client";

Note: To make sure you are on the latest 5.x.x version, you can check out the Lit NPM packages to find the latest (like so - lit-node-client) or use ^ when installing.

Check out the developer docs to learn more.

Looking Forward

We are continuing to work hard to ensure the development process on Lit is smooth and pain-free!

As always, we're eager to hear your feedback and experiences with the new release. Your insights are invaluable in helping us continue to refine and improve the Lit SDK going forward.

You can join the Lit developer ecosystem on Discord and Telegram. We are eager to hear from you there 🙂