Lit Network Launch Announcement: Introducing Datil

- Datil-Dev is now live, and can be accessed using Lit SDK v6.1 and above. The Datil mainnet will be released on July 22nd, 2024.
- The Datil networks resolve performance and stability issues affecting previous 'V0' Lit networks (Habanero, Manzano, and Cayenne). These networks will remain in service for at least 3 months to give developers a chance to migrate existing user data and keys to the new applicable Datil network, using the Datil migration guide.
Lit is launching three new networks:
- “Datil”: decentralized mainnet designed for production use cases [coming soon]
- “Datil-Test”: decentralized testnet designed for pre-production deployment [coming soon]
- “Datil-Dev”: centralized testnet designed for early-stage development [info here]
Leveling Up
As more of Lit’s users move their applications through implementation and into production, it’s time to level up our existing networks to overcome performance and stability limits.
Lit is launching three new networks that will boost performance for all users and provide a more stable platform for production-level deployments. The networks include the Datil mainnet (replacing Habanero), Datil-Test (a decentralized testnet that will replace Manzano), and Datil-Dev (a centralized testnet that will replace Cayenne).
These networks will include important updates that aim to address two major issues currently impacting users. First, Lit has pushed a replacement to Chronicle, the rollup chain our networks rely on, with a new Arbitrum Orbit chain (Chronicle Vesuvius) that will significantly improve transaction speed and avoid RPC bottlenecks and outages. Second, Lit has also applied a patch to the AMD SEV-SNP VM code run by each node, which will lead to a nearly 10x increase in transaction concurrency (TPS) based on internal benchmarking.
Making The Switch
If you are building with Lit for the first time and just getting started on an integration, make sure you are using the new Datil networks and the latest version of Lit’s SDK. You can connect to the new Datil-Dev testnet here.
Teams with active Lit integrations using Habanero, Manzano, Cayenne, or earlier networks can migrate user keys and data and switch to Datil using the migration guide. If the migration guide does not cover your application’s unique setup, please join the Lit Builders Circle on Telegram for support.
Habanero, Manzano, and Cayenne will be deprecated in 3 months, pending successful migration from users in production.
Datil-dev is live now; Datil-test will be live in the next few weeks pending internal testing; Datil mainnet will be live July 22nd.
We’re Here to Help
If you have questions about the new Datil networks or need help with deployment or migration, we’re here to help! Reach out to us on Telegram, or cut an issue here for quicker support.